Simplifying Construction Payment Management

August 19, 2024
2 Min Read

Progress claims are crucial in construction, allowing contractors to get paid for completed work and enabling clients to track project progress.

However, many progress claims are still submitted manually via email, spreadsheets, or generic templates. This can expose both subcontractors and general contractors to risks in the claims and payments process.

Common Industry Challenges with Claims Submission and Assessment

  • Inconsistent Formats

Subcontractors typically submit monthly claims in various formats, creating confusion for general contractors and potentially leading to inaccurate claim values.

  • SOPA Compliance

The Security of Payments Act (SOPA) outlines strict timelines for assessing and paying claims. Manual submissions may result in missing documentation, slowing down approvals and adding extra administrative burden for both parties.

  • Communication Gaps

When general contractors need additional information, they usually contact subcontractors via phone or email. This can lead to delays due to absences or staff turnover, with important interactions potentially being lost.

  • Lack of visibility from subcontractors

When subcontractors submit progress claims in a manual format, they have no visibility on the progress of their claim assessment or approval. This can lead to uncertainty and concerns around approval times and payments processes.

Earlytrade Progress Claims Solution

Earlytrade offers a revolutionary Progress Claims solution that simplifies claims management through cutting-edge technology. The solution reduces compliance risks and claim discrepancies with a streamlined digital process, providing unparalleled transparency. This leads to fewer disputes with subcontractors and improved accuracy, allowing your team to focus on delivering exceptional construction work and growing your business.

  • Efficiency and Cost Savings

With Earlytrade’s software, general contractors can request all required information in a standardised format that both parties can easily understand. This enables subcontractors to submit claims quickly and focus on their projects.

  • Document Storage

Subcontractors can easily upload and store relevant documents, such as insurance, and attach them to claims, including variation requests and retention releases.

  • In-App Messaging

General contractors and subcontractors can communicate through in-app messages for updates or requests, with tasks set to remind subcontractors of deadlines.

  • Fair and Equitable Supply Chain Relationships

At Earlytrade, we believe in fair and equitable submission and assessment of progress claims. Our software offers transparency for both parties during the claim process allowing subcontractors comfort around the claims and payment approval process.

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